Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Declaration of Independence

Please go to the following links then respond to the questions: Read the first two sections of the Declaration of Independence. What words and phrases do you think are most important from these sections? Explain why you think this. Pick one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence and click on his name to read a short biography. Then post a comment to tell about the person you picked. Where were they from? Why did they sign the Declaration of Independence? How old was he when he signed?


Anonymous said...

Two phrases I thin that are improtant from these sections is how it said"That all men are created equal" and when they said " When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth" I think those are important because it shows a share fair of how people think and what life is like.

Anonymous said...

The signer I picked was John Hancock who was from Braintree (Quincy), Mass. He sighned the Declaration of Independence because he wanted Liberty (freedom) and he signed his name big on the Declaration Of Independence so King George didn't have to have glasses to read his name. He was 39 when he singed the Declaration Of Independence


Anonymous said...

My person was Jyman Hall. He was from wallingford conneticut. He was important and sighned the declaration because he provised food and medicans for revolusionary Armies.


Anonymous said...

I think the phrase''We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal,''is important because it tells everyone is equal,and no one is better than somone else.
I picked George Taylor.He was born in Ireland in 1716.He sighned when he was 48.He sighned because he cared,and wanted to help his country. #9

Anonymous said...

For the first one, I thought that when they said We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, was important because is is kind of saying that all men need to be treated all the same. I thought that it was important because it made me think that people need to have the same rights as others and that tey need to really get to know eachother before they judge someone.

The person I picked was John Hancock. He was born on January 12,1737. John Hancock was elected to the Boston Assembly in 1776. He was elected president of the Provincial Congress of Massachusetts in 1773. He died on October 8, 1793. :(

He was one of the first people to sign the Declaration and when he did, his signature was the largest!!!


Anonymous said...

One pharse I think is very impotant is all men are created equally. I think this is an important part of the decloration because it is telling me if one person gets payed than every person must get payed too. Another impotant part of the decloration is: "that among these are life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." I think this phrase is also an impotant one because it tells that everyone has or at least deserves or wants these things life- everyone has. Liberty- what everyone wants. Latly, the pursuit of Happiness- which everyone diserves.

Lyman Hall was the decloration man I picked. He was born in Wallingford,Conn. It does not say how old he was when he sighned the decloration but it does say he was just all for the colonies and that was why he sighned the decloration.


Anonymous said...

I think the phrases that says life, liberty,and the pursuit of happiness is important because they are saying that they want freedom from the British.


Anonymous said...

I could not find any words or frases, but I did notice a few good parts. I noticed that all he did was talk about the way we should be able to stay in peace. And there is always a good thing about hte declaration, it is good that John Hancock wrote it.


Anonymous said...

My guy is Samuel Adams he was born September 27, 1722. He was born in Boston Mass. And he died in October 2, 1803. So he was 81 when he passed away. And he was 21 when he signed the declaration.


Anonymous said...

1.which the laws of nature and natur's godentitle them.
It tells about that when we were in the fight they didn't treat animals and plants very well.

2.But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object evinces a design to reduse them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government and to provide new guards for their future security. It tells us how our security is provided.

Stephen Hopkins

1.He was from Rhode Island.
2.He was against the tyrany of the british long before the revolutionary period.
3.He signed it when he was 69 years old.


Anonymous said...

A word that I thought was important was: dissolve because I didn't really understand what it meant.
Another word or phrase that I thought was important in the first and second part was: "Governments are instituted among Men."

Anonymous said...

Sam Adams was born in Boston, Massachusetts, on September 27, 1722, he died on October 2, 1803. He was 54 years old when he signed the Declaration of Independence, it was 1776. I belive that he was chosen to sign, because he was passionate about independence from Britain rule and he was a memmber of the Continental Congress.


Anonymous said...

I did Samuel Adams
He was born on September 27, 1772 in Boston, Massachusetts. He died on October 2, 1803. He worked as a tax- collector and he also had many other jobs like being a delegate to the First Continental Congress.

Anonymous said...

I did ben frankiln

ben was born on 1994 and his son was a rebel


Anonymous said...

Dear (everyone that did John Hancock),

I thought that John Hancock was very interesting too because in the video we had to watch a few weeks ago I was surprised about how many windows he had on his house.

Anonymous said...

I don't think that dissolve is an important word just because you don't know what it means. But I igree that "Governments are istituted among Men." is important because it kind of tells about the past a little and you can understand it.
#13 to #14

Anonymous said...

#23 I found that John Hankock was electied peresident of the provincial congress. Did yiou get that you need to get to know someone befor juging them from the saying all men should be created quall.

#12 katrina

Anonymous said...

I agree about the part where all men should be created equally. I wrot that down in my response!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Men are and arn't created equal. Yet, people have disadvantages and advantages. That's why I don't agree with number 13.


Anonymous said...

#23 I liked how you typed up largest and put these things at the end. !!!!


Anonymous said...

Ben Franklin was born on January 17 1706 He signed the Declaration of Independence at the age of 45. He was chosen because of his knowledge of the British and other things.

Anonymous said...

They what laws to be fairand they what to "declare the cause which impel them to the separation."
They what to have life, liberty and Happiness and to have freedom.;


I did Jonh Hancock because I know a little bit about him. He was one of the first people to sign the Declaration of Independence. and he Sign them in BIG LETTERS so that Ben Frankiln would not have to take off his specticles.

Anonymous said...

My respond to the comments was that they were all good.But the best post I read would have to be #23's because it told me alot about John Hancock,and why he sighned the Decloration of Indpendence.I agree about the phrase that #23 picked ''We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal.''Because it explians that all the men born in the USA have there own rihts.That is my responce to #23's post. #9

Anonymous said...

#13, I agree how you said that all men are created equal" and when they said " When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth" I think those are important because it shows a share fair of how people think and what life is like because I got that answer and also I thought that they were taliking about fairness of life and stuff like that.


Anonymous said...

#2, I thought that it was very interesting how you said that all men are created equally. I think this is an important part of the decloration because it is telling me if one person gets payed than every person must get payed too because it was very cool how you explained and gave an example.


Anonymous said...

I think that number 9 did a good, because the man he chose was not afaid to help his countey.

He was able to proved freedom from England and I also think that he was an imortant man to sign the Declation.


Anonymous said...

I agree with #23, because that person really described the features that John Hancock wrote and how he was the first person to sign the declaration.


Anonymous said...

I think that these words are important to dissolve the political bands witch have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth because they are meaningful to me.15

Anonymous said...

#12 I liked yours because those words are strong.15