Monday, February 9, 2009

Live in the White House?

President Barack Obama's children, Malia, 10, and Sasha, 7, are settling in to their new home: the Whtie House. this is no ordinary house. It's enourmous- 132 rooms, including a movie theater and library - and is the place where the President works and meets with other world leaders. Many White House events are int eh national spotlight. Would you like to live int he White House? Explain your answer.


Anonymous said...

No. I would not like to live in the white house because theres so many rooms that you wouldn't be able to find your bedroom.


Anonymous said...

Yes, I would love to live in the White House. I would love to go to the library every day, and watch a movie in the movie theater. I think it would be the best to live there, and it would be the best thing in the world for my mom, or dad to be the president.

Anonymous said...

I would like to live in the White House because it would be fun to go watch a movie with friends in your own home and they get a pool! Now how fun would that be, but the boring part is that you really have no privacy.

Anonymous said...

I would not like to live in the white house because I wouldn't want to be watched almost every minute of the day, but I think that it would be cool to have a secret agent time person.


Anonymous said...

Yes I would love to live in the White House, because there is so much to do! Iheard there is even an indoor pool! But there is one bad thing, though;What if you jump on the bed and realize it's the president's bed?


Anonymous said...

Yes,I would like to live in the White House because we can get and do what ever we want. But that's not the only reason I would like to live in the White House,I would get to be in the spotlight and get to have dinner with kings,and queens of different countrys. #9

Anonymous said...

Yes because then I could invite some friends over and we could play air soft wars and do all sorts of things.

Anonymous said...

No because I wouldn't be able to see all my friends.


Anonymous said...

No. I wouldn't like to live in the white house because I'd have to leave my friends and I'd like never be able to visit them because of my body guards and they wouldn't want to come over because of such high secuity.


Anonymous said...

Yes I would like to live in the White House, because then I can see any kind of movie in the movie theater. I would also be able to have any animal I want such as dogs, cats, horses, lions, tigers, and much more. Another thing that would be great if I lived in the White House is that I could get to have anything that I want such as a x-box, Wii, and much morer. That is why I would like to live in the White House.


Anonymous said...

I would love to live in the White House because it would be fun to havea swimming pool, a movie thater, a bolwing ally, etc. because I would never be bored.
One reason I wouldn't like to live in the White House would be because I would hate to be watched all the time, and my friends would probably only like me because I was famouse.

Anonymous said...

Yes. I would love to live in the white house for many reasons. How ever, one of my biggest reasons is that I woul be able to meet so many amazing people and be able to order my self so many great and exzotic foods.


Anonymous said...

Yes i would because you would get to do more things that kids do but i would not like being whatched in everything i do.

Anonymous said...

1.No,because I would not people always with me.
2.There are so many rooms that I would get lost.
3. You don't know if people are really your friends OR just useing you


Anonymous said...

No. I would not like to live in the white house because there would be too many people around me at all times.

Anonymous said...

I would not like to live in the white house because I would get no privece. #22