Thursday, October 2, 2008

America's First Astronauts

Follow the link below and watch the video on Mrs. Claus' bog. Then post a comment on our blog to answer the following questions. How did the space race affect humans' exploration of space? What do you think would have happened if the Soviet Union had not put a man in space? How do you think the end of the space race affected our exploration of space?

Watch this video


Anonymous said...

The space race affected humans' exploration of space by sending people into space. I think if the soviet union didn't put a man in space, we would never know what is out there. I think the end of the space race affected our exploration of space by letting us know more about what is out there.


Anonymous said...

1. the space race effected humans exploration in space because it was supposed to show who's research was more superior.
2.If the Soviet Union had not put a man in space, the space race technically would not go on.
3. I think the end of the space race effected our explorations in space because the Soviet Union was soon to dissolve.