Read about the Coolest Inventions of 2009. Which invention do you think is most useful out of these?
Then come up with your own invention:
1. Identify a problem that your invention will help solve.
2. Describe what your creation will do.
3. Who will use your invention?
4. Name your product.
5. List he materials that you will need to build your creation.
6. Explain how it will help others.
7. How will you spread the word about your product?
Friday, December 11, 2009
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Scholastic News December
Choose two articles from this week's Scholastic News magazine. Write down two specific questions you had while reading each article (four questions total). Then respond to some of the questions other people have written.
You must respond to two different people in the comment section.
You must respond to two different people in the comment section.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Inspiring Steps
Read the article "Inspiring Steps" in Scholastic News.
Think of an issue in your community that you could help out with. List specific, concrete things you could do to help improve the situation.
Think of an issue in your community that you could help out with. List specific, concrete things you could do to help improve the situation.
Scholastic News - Space Exploration
Read the article "Off to a Fresh Start" in Scholastic News. Then think about your opinions of space exploration.
Is it important to explore space? Make sure to support your opinion with background knowledge, facts from the article, and other information you have heard or read about space.
Is it important to explore space? Make sure to support your opinion with background knowledge, facts from the article, and other information you have heard or read about space.
Friday, November 13, 2009
Time for Kids - November 17
After reading the entire Time for Kids magazine answer the following questions:
1. Which article did you find most interesting and why? Use specific examples from the article that show why it was interesting.
2. How would you describe Mohammed Rezwan? Give specific examples from the article "Staying Afloat" to support your ideas.
1. Which article did you find most interesting and why? Use specific examples from the article that show why it was interesting.
2. How would you describe Mohammed Rezwan? Give specific examples from the article "Staying Afloat" to support your ideas.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Expedition Health
The movie in expedition health was so amazing because there was real snow in it. There it also showed what the human body temperature is like when you are up on a mountain that has less oxygen in the air. It also shows how the body reacts to when thunderstorms start and how your heart rate will go up during that time.
I went with to the movie with Nathan. We went to go see it at the Denver Museum of Nature and History. When I went into the movie room with Nathan we first had to stick our fingers into a little blood finger thermometer. Then the movie started and then we watched the movie and then the lady in the movie told us to put our finger in the thermometer so that we could go on the hike in the movie that we were watching. Then suddenly an automatic machine turned on and then real snow started coming out of the machine. Then after that had ended the next group could come in and then watch the movie.
By: Dillon
I went with to the movie with Nathan. We went to go see it at the Denver Museum of Nature and History. When I went into the movie room with Nathan we first had to stick our fingers into a little blood finger thermometer. Then the movie started and then we watched the movie and then the lady in the movie told us to put our finger in the thermometer so that we could go on the hike in the movie that we were watching. Then suddenly an automatic machine turned on and then real snow started coming out of the machine. Then after that had ended the next group could come in and then watch the movie.
By: Dillon
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Technology Class
The technology room is all about learning how to type like an adult. The teacher ( Mrs Reihboff ) gives us all kinds of clues on how to type like an adult. If we do not learn, in high school,we will be typing like a kid. Technology helps us learn a whole lot then we ever knew about computers and typing. Technology is all about learning how to type like an adult,make web casts,etc. Also in technology, we get to play free choice when the teacher thinks we have done enough work for the past week. We get to play pac man,pack rat, etc.I love technology because we learn a lot about typing. In technology, you learn all about typing,web casts,etc. I love learning about the web casts because we get to either be on camera or on a power point if we are to embarrassed to be on the camera. Tech is the best learning system to me because you type,play,work,and of course, learn!!!
Technology is so much fun because we learn about a whole bunch of skills. I also like how we learn about all the different kinds of types of typing skills we can learn in the classroom. Technology is so much fun because we learn a lot of my favorite subjects like learning how to type like a grown up would type. My other favorite subject in technology is that we get to do web casts and search for body systems like he nervous system. I just love technology because we learn all about my favorite subjects. Technology is so much fun because of all the grea things Mrs. Reihboff teaches us.
by Cambri
Technology is so much fun because we learn about a whole bunch of skills. I also like how we learn about all the different kinds of types of typing skills we can learn in the classroom. Technology is so much fun because we learn a lot of my favorite subjects like learning how to type like a grown up would type. My other favorite subject in technology is that we get to do web casts and search for body systems like he nervous system. I just love technology because we learn all about my favorite subjects. Technology is so much fun because of all the grea things Mrs. Reihboff teaches us.
by Cambri
Monday, November 2, 2009
Clean Your Room
Clean my room is a game we play in gym. It's fun and this is how it goes: First you need a big wide open space that you can move around easy and nothing should get in the way. Number two you need some light balls that aren't heavy and that are easy to pick up and that won't hert if you get hit by one. Number three you will need lots of friends. Then get something to split the area in half and make two even teems and put one teem on one side and one on the other. Make sure to have balls on both sides. Number four, spread the balls out around the space and then the goal is that you want to get all the balls on the other teems side with out picking up two balls at a time. You are NOT trying to hit someone with the ball. When the music stops you can not throw another ball or it is a ten ball penlty and you get back the ball you throw + 10 more. The teem that has the most balls on his or her side lost the game. That is how you play the game. Have fun. Be fast. Do not be afraid to dive for the ball, you will not get hurt, trust me. Again have fun!
--By Adam
--By Adam
Thursday, October 8, 2009
TFK - No Bullies Allowed!
Read the article "No Bullies Allowed!" in Time for Kids. What was your reaction to this article? Why do you think kids bully others? What advice would you give a bully to get him or her to stop? Use specific examples from the article to help support your thinking.
TFK - Nature's Fury
Read the article "Nature's Fury" in Time for Kids. What connections can you make between this article and our last unit in reading?
Monday, September 28, 2009
Time for Kids - Year-Round School
According to the National Association for Year-Round Education , about 3,000 schools in the United States have year-round programs. What is your opinion on this? Do you think our school should be year-round? Explain why you think this.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Time for Kids: September
Read the article "Fighting the Flames" and post a comment about what you thought while reading it.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Field Day 2009
Hopkins Elementary School's Field Day was a lot of fun because lot's of parents, friends, and students had smiles on their faces the whole day. Mrs. Hester, P.E teacher, says " I know a bunch of ya are asking Why are we having Field Day so early in the school year?" She responds to herself, "Because I or you don't have to worry about these terrible weather conditions." Mrs. Hester is absolutely correct.
We had Field Day on September 11, The reason why: people who were killed on 911- to celebrate their lives and most importantly to have fun!If you don't know what Field Day is it is a lot of events where you participate in activities. The fifth graders get to choose their own station and help the younger kids with their Field Day. Lot's of fifth grade students said it was awesome. I asked fellow students what they thought about Field day and one girl named Amy said, "I thought Field Day was awesome and fun." I thought that was great too.
Each station had a state on them and a few fun facts about them. I thought the football station was the best station but a lot of them were great. Thank-you Mrs. Hester!! On Field Day Hopkins Elementary school gave free water bottles out to each kid in the school so after Field Day we can recycle them and hopefully get a bunch of money to our school. Each student who participated in Field Day had a passport. The reason you get a passport is the state at each station has a stamp. The stamp is a symbol of that state. So at the end of Field Day you should have eight stamps. Great ideas Mr. Brueckner and Mrs. Hester! If you would like to learn more about our field day go to: **\**HopkinsElementaryschoolI would like to thank Mrs. Hester, Mr. Brueckner, the fifth graders, [ they rock!] and all other helpers of Field Day.
- By Scott
We had Field Day on September 11, The reason why: people who were killed on 911- to celebrate their lives and most importantly to have fun!If you don't know what Field Day is it is a lot of events where you participate in activities. The fifth graders get to choose their own station and help the younger kids with their Field Day. Lot's of fifth grade students said it was awesome. I asked fellow students what they thought about Field day and one girl named Amy said, "I thought Field Day was awesome and fun." I thought that was great too.
Each station had a state on them and a few fun facts about them. I thought the football station was the best station but a lot of them were great. Thank-you Mrs. Hester!! On Field Day Hopkins Elementary school gave free water bottles out to each kid in the school so after Field Day we can recycle them and hopefully get a bunch of money to our school. Each student who participated in Field Day had a passport. The reason you get a passport is the state at each station has a stamp. The stamp is a symbol of that state. So at the end of Field Day you should have eight stamps. Great ideas Mr. Brueckner and Mrs. Hester! If you would like to learn more about our field day go to: **\**HopkinsElementaryschoolI would like to thank Mrs. Hester, Mr. Brueckner, the fifth graders, [ they rock!] and all other helpers of Field Day.
- By Scott
Friday, September 4, 2009
September 4, 2009
Why Laptops are so Important to the Classroom
Laptops are important in the classroom for many reasons. Some of the reasons are we use it for math, free writing, to log in what we are reading, write down the things we are excited for 5th grade, more writing, and much more.
One of the websites we go to is where we do most of the school work. At math time, we go into the website to do math games at one of our math centers of the math rotations. This helps us practice and improve our math skills. At writing time, we free write about whatever we want. Also, we go on a website called, where we do writing on a topic the teacher, Mrs. Urbanek, gives us. Then we write about what we are excited for in fifth grade on the wiki. Then we do a book review on books we read once a month. My class focuses on fat questions, which are thinking questions. We have to restate it.
I think laptops are the most important thing in fifth grade. We use it for a lot of subjects in the classroom. This is why laptops are important.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Increase Physical Education?
Texas lawmakers are considering a bill that would require students to have more physical education (P.E.). Supporters of the bill say physical education helps kids stay healthy and do better in school. But some educators say there simply isn't enough time for more P.E. They say their schedules are packed with growing academic requirements. What do you think? Should students be required to have more P.E.?
Recyclable Boat
What was your reaction to this article? What is your opinion of David de Rothschild?
Do you think recycling is important? Explain why you think this.
(Make sure to read all the comments already posted before you respond yourself.)
Do you think recycling is important? Explain why you think this.
(Make sure to read all the comments already posted before you respond yourself.)
Classroom Blogs
Why do you like having a classroom blog?
What are some things you like to do on the blog?
What things are easy and hard about using the blog?
What are some things you like to do on the blog?
What things are easy and hard about using the blog?
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Cats or Dogs?
Both cats and dogs are popular pets. Which of the two animals do you think makes a better pet: a cat or a dog? Why?
Scholastic News March
Which article in Scholastic News was the most interesting? Why?
Which article in Scholastic News was the least interesting? Why?
Which article in Scholastic News was the least interesting? Why?
Monday, March 16, 2009
Appoint or Elect?
The U.S. Constitution allows Governors to appoint new U.S. Senators when Senators who were elected leave. Some people say that's not democratic. They say voters should pick new Senators in special elections. Others say Governors should. They say special elections are too costly. What do you think? Should voters pick new Senators? Explain your opinion.
U.S. Kids Help Schoolkids a Continent Away
What was your reaction to this article? What kind of person is Corey Williams? Explain. What is something you could do to help our other students or schools?
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Teach Cursive Writing?
Some schools are deciding whether to continue teaching kids cursive writing. They say that there are more important things that young people need to learn in today's fast-paced technological world. Others believe that learning cursive writing is important. Waht do you think? Should schools continue to teach cursive writing? Explain.
Clearing the Air
Why is the Environmental Protection Agency important?
What do you think about the plan in California that calls for a limit on carbon dioxide emissions from cars? Do you think this is a good plan for President Obama to order? Explain.
What do you think about the plan in California that calls for a limit on carbon dioxide emissions from cars? Do you think this is a good plan for President Obama to order? Explain.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Attend Online Schools?
What do you think about online schools? Would you like to attend an online school? Why?
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Gist Answers
What would you feel if you lived somewhere that never had winter?
What would happen if we had school during the summer?
How did you do on your homework last night?
What would happen if we had school during the summer?
How did you do on your homework last night?
Monday, February 9, 2009
Games of Young America
After reading "Games of Young America" in your anthologies, which of the games would you most like to learn how to play? Which one would you most not want to play? Please explain your choices.
Flying Green
What was your response to the article "Flying Green"? What things were you thinking? What questions did you have while reading?
Live in the White House?
President Barack Obama's children, Malia, 10, and Sasha, 7, are settling in to their new home: the Whtie House. this is no ordinary house. It's enourmous- 132 rooms, including a movie theater and library - and is the place where the President works and meets with other world leaders. Many White House events are int eh national spotlight. Would you like to live int he White House? Explain your answer.
Friday, February 6, 2009
Guests' Comments
Please leave us a comment to tell up what you think of our blog. When you are leaving a comment please follow these guidelines:
1. Be Respectful
2. Answer in complete sentences with accurate punctuation and capital letters
3. Students do not put last names
Mrs. Urbanek's Class
1. Be Respectful
2. Answer in complete sentences with accurate punctuation and capital letters
3. Students do not put last names
Mrs. Urbanek's Class
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Friday, January 30, 2009
Rules at Recess?
After reading the Scholastic News magazine respond to the following question:
University of Nebraska researchers believe too many kids stand around during recess. They think kids would be more active if teachers told them what to do. They say this would increase kids' activity and keep them healthy. Others say kids should be allowed to do what they want during recess. Should there be rules at recess?
University of Nebraska researchers believe too many kids stand around during recess. They think kids would be more active if teachers told them what to do. They say this would increase kids' activity and keep them healthy. Others say kids should be allowed to do what they want during recess. Should there be rules at recess?
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Declaration of Independence
Please go to the following links then respond to the questions: Read the first two sections of the Declaration of Independence. What words and phrases do you think are most important from these sections? Explain why you think this. Pick one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence and click on his name to read a short biography. Then post a comment to tell about the person you picked. Where were they from? Why did they sign the Declaration of Independence? How old was he when he signed? Read the first two sections of the Declaration of Independence. What words and phrases do you think are most important from these sections? Explain why you think this. Pick one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence and click on his name to read a short biography. Then post a comment to tell about the person you picked. Where were they from? Why did they sign the Declaration of Independence? How old was he when he signed?
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
What was your response to today's Presidential Inaguration? What were some things you were thinking while you were watching? What questions did you have?
What did you think about President Obama's speech? What were some important things you got out of it?
What did you think about President Obama's speech? What were some important things you got out of it?
Friday, January 16, 2009
Revolutionary War
Watch the segments "Events that led to the Revolution" and "Six Revolutionary War Figures and Their Important Roles" from the video in the following link. When you are done watching these post a response you had as you were watching these and also a question that you had.
If you do not remember the password to see these, please visit our wikipage.
If you do not remember the password to see these, please visit our wikipage.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
The Early Colonies
Watch the video segment "The Early Colonies" and write a comment about what you watched.
Answer the following questions:
1. What hardships did people suffer to reach the English colonies?
2. For what reasons did people make the voyage to North America?
1. What hardships did people suffer to reach the English colonies?
2. For what reasons did people make the voyage to North America?
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