We had Field Day on September 11, The reason why: people who were killed on 911- to celebrate their lives and most importantly to have fun!If you don't know what Field Day is it is a lot of events where you participate in activities. The fifth graders get to choose their own station and help the younger kids with their Field Day. Lot's of fifth grade students said it was awesome. I asked fellow students what they thought about Field day and one girl named Amy said, "I thought Field Day was awesome and fun." I thought that was great too.
Each station had a state on them and a few fun facts about them. I thought the football station was the best station but a lot of them were great. Thank-you Mrs. Hester!! On Field Day Hopkins Elementary school gave free water bottles out to each kid in the school so after Field Day we can recycle them and hopefully get a bunch of money to our school. Each student who participated in Field Day had a passport. The reason you get a passport is the state at each station has a stamp. The stamp is a symbol of that state. So at the end of Field Day you should have eight stamps. Great ideas Mr. Brueckner and Mrs. Hester! If you would like to learn more about our field day go to: **WWW.littletonpublicschools.com\**HopkinsElementaryschoolI would like to thank Mrs. Hester, Mr. Brueckner, the fifth graders, [ they rock!] and all other helpers of Field Day.
- By Scott
Scott you did a fine job.
I thought you did a great job!
By the way, fifth graders do rock!
I think that this Field day was the most fun of all the other Field Days. I think this because we got to help with the little kids and it was fun to see who was listening and who was not.
You did a great job on the field day thing.I was very impressed.Thanks for interviewing me it was cool.
I love field day as well but it really takes the breath out of you!You did a great job!
You did a awesome job on it congratulation's dude!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey everyone, I thought this was a good blog by Scott.
Good job Scott.I think a lot of fun to.
very good job on the blog! You added every single little detail of what happened! My favorite game was the parachute because we got to spin some people and make them COMPLETELY dizzy!
My favorite thing at field was helping owt the little people of the school.
My favorite game on flied day was the foot ball game.
By Joey
Scott you did great,field day was very fun. My favorite game was football and lacrosse. Nice job
Field day was the best because we got to help out the little kids and teach them good sportsmanship.
Scott you are right field day is fun my favorite game is the football. I like the football activate because football is my favorite sport is football.
I agree that the parachute was the best game at field day but I also liked the water sponge game too, where you have to fill up the can before the other team does it.
My favorite fame was the big football game on field day.
by Brice
I agree with you the parachute was on of the best games there was.
I think that field day was fun because you get to do a lot of activity's and you get to have so much fun.
I agree with you that Scott did a good job with this blog. Also I think that the best game was were we had to fill the can with water. What was your favorite game?
You never fail to impress me! Your voice was in that writing. I am so PROUD of you!
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