How do we "show, not tell"? This picture shows a girl that is excited. Use words to describe what a person looks like, sounds like, and feels like when they are excited.

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A girl has a big smile on her face. She is yelling and screaming for joy. She hears other kids yelliing and screaming too. She feels intelligent.
A girl when there excited would sound like sqeacking mouse with cheese.She would look like a screaming fish.She would feel very happy and be surprized all at one time.
Yahooo! arms up and screaming at the top of your lungs. Happy, Estatic, overjoyed, jumping for joy, and dancin dancin dancin.
When He or She is exited they:
*Jump up and down
*Scream yesssss
*Have there mouth open
*Last they have there eyes sqinted
When people are excited they smile and laugh in joy.
this comment was writen by Brice
You would hear happy yelling jumping up haveing fun with your friend!
When someone is excited they start jumping all around and start to hug people and be very happy.when they are excited they start yelling and hollering.They look like a huge smile across there face.They really happy.
Yahoo! The girl jummps up in the air she keeps saying yahoo! she screaming her lungs out. She swings her legs and puts her hands up in the air. She thouse her hair back and forth And she also say yahoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! for the last time.
--- Nour
When he or she gets exited they:
.Jump and dance around.
.They will look happy and joyful.
.They might turn on some loud music.
.They might go turn on some music in their room and party like crazy.
.They might scream "yeeeah"!
.They might have friends over and have a party.
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