Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The First Steps on the Moon

Watch the above video and leave a comment to describe your thoughts as you were watching it. Make sure to include the following in your responses: What would have it been like to be there? How do you think the astronauts felt? What do you think the scariest part of the mission would have been and why? If you were a part of the NASA mission, would you like to be an astronaut or someone left down on Earth? Why? Why was this mission so important to the United States?


Anonymous said...

If I were the first one going to space I would be scared about what could happen. I bet they would be scared to. It would be scary if everything stopped working. You could die. If Ii were apart of that NASA space mission I would want to be an astronaut because I would be remembered.This mission was very important cause now we know more about our solar system.


Anonymous said...

If I were the first one going to space I would be scared about what could happen. I bet they would be scared to. It would be scary if everything stopped working. You could die. If Ii were apart of that NASA space mission I would want to be an astronaut because I would be remembered.This mission was very important cause now we know more about our solar system.

# 8

Anonymous said...

It would have been really exciting and adventurous to go there. I think the astronauts felt scared, because they've never been on the moon before.I think the scariest part of the mission is getting back to the mother ship, because it would be hard to find it. If I would have been part of the mission, I would want to be an astronaut because it would be cool to go into space. The mission was important because it shows what is on the moon.


Anonymous said...

it reminds me of space and some stuff i learnd last year in forth grade.

haley #6